Load and save canvases Save

The Load and save Save menu enables access to canvases, or the complete patches for Tempera.

The organizational structure for Tempera’s saving and loading is files and folders. There are four top-level folders:

  • System is read-only and contains factory canvases

  • User for your samples and canvases

  • SD Card

  • Flashdrive

You can Enter a folder and navigate with Up and Down arrow buttons, and go one folder up at the top of each folder.


Always use the Eject button before unplugging the external drive or SD card to prevent data loss.

To load a canvas, navigate to it and press Load. Changing canvases can be seamless or jarring depending on how different the two canvases are.

To save a canvas, navigate to where you want to save it and press Save. You will then be presented with a text input display:

  • Leftmost (blue) encoder scrolls the text cursor

  • Rightmost (green) encoder scrolls the selected character

  • OK to confirm and save the canvas

  • Cancel and go back to choosing where to save to

  • Insert types the selected character

  • Delete a character at the cursor

  • Random generates a randomized name

  • Shift toggles between upper and lower case characters

While holding the Round button, pressing Alt reveals numeric and special characters.

Placed emitters are saved along with a canvas, but played and held (latched) notes are not.


When loading a canvas while the current one has playing and latched notes, these will be carried over to the newly loaded canvas. Since the new canvas may have a different Overlay Keyboard configuration, the played notes might appear outside of the overlay keyboard. It is possible to release all held notes by pressing the Round button and Clear in the Overlay Keyboard Voice menu.

Sharing your canvas

When you make your own canvas, whether from scratch or by remixing parts of different canvases, it’s time to share your creation with other Tempera players!

After you save the canvas onto a micro SD Card or USB flashdrive, upload it to the Gallery at https://gallery.beetlecrab.audio.

At the Gallery you can also download canvases others have created and get inspired, try them out!


  • Pick a short, but descriptive and evocative name

  • It’s nice to write a short commentary or tips on how to use your canvas

  • Other people will be interested to know how you made it, and what inspired you to create it!

  • Give it a nice cover image that sets the right mood