
To make common workflow quicker, Tempera has a handful of shortcuts as button combos.

While holding the Round button, the displays will reveal if there are any alternate context actions:

  • The Save and load Save button will quicksave your current canvas into User/Quicksave. New quicksave will overwrite the old.

  • When editing an emitter, pressing the Emitters Emitters button will cycle through emitters on the same page. For example, this allows to quickly adjust Grain Size on all 4 emitters.

  • The Overlay Keyboard Voice button will toggle the Overlay Keyboard.

Moreover, turning any knob while holding the round button will increment the value faster.

There are a few shortcuts not involving the round button:

  • Double pressing the Emitters Emitters button will toggle between emitter overview and last edited emitter’s settings.

  • Double pressing the Tracks Tracks button will toggle between track overview and last edited track’s settings.

  • Pressing the Save and load Save button while already in file browser will bring you to the top-level folder.

Lastly, there is an info-screen that displays available storage on internal and external media, name of the loaded canvas, and current firmware version. Access this by holding the Settings Settings button.